Our Easy Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make Your Own Yarn Tassel

Our Easy Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make Your Own Yarn Tassel

When you’re a DIY’er, nothing’s more satisfying than finding crafty ways to add personality to everyday items like handbags, blankets or holiday packages (’tis the season). One of our favorite ways to give humdrum items a little flair? Yarn tassels!

As part of the GH Stitch Club‘s goal to teach the joy of crochet, knitting, macramé and more to craft lovers, we’re sharing an easy step-by-step guide on how to make a yarn tassel. The video above is less than four minutes and explains exactly how to embellish all kinds of items with a simple yarn tassel.

And the best part is that it doesn’t require a ton of time or money to bring this fun project to life. Only four basic supplies are needed — and you may even have some of them already at home. In addition to the video tutorial, follow the written instructions below for more details on the process.

How to Make a Yarn Tassel

how to make yarn tassel, woman's hand holding a gray tassel

What You Need:

  • Yarn
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • pet hair brush (or any brush)

Step 1: Cut your cardboard.

how to make yarn tassel, woman holding a rectangular piece of cardboard

Cut the piece of cardboard into a rectangle. Make sure it’s the desired length of your tassel.

Step 2: Wrap the yarn.

how to make yarn tassel, hand holding pink scissors and cardboard with gray yarn

Wrap your yarn around the tallest part of your cardboard. Keep wrapping until you have the desired thickness for your tassel. Cut the end when finished.

Step 3: Secure the tassel.

how to make yarn tassel, woman's hands knotting top of gray tassel on cardboard

Cut a small piece of yarn from the ball and tuck it underneath your tassel. Tie it into a knot at the top to keep everything secure.

Tip: Make sure your knot is tight so nothing unravels.

Step 4: Remove the cardboard.

how to make yarn tassel, woman's hands cutting yarn from cardboard

Cut the bottom threads so the tassel is no longer attached to the cardboard.

Step 5: Make another knot.

how to make yarn tassel, woman's hands tie a knot on gray tassel

Take another piece of yarn from the ball. Wrap it around the tassel about one inch down and tie a knot.

Step 6: Fluff the ends and cut.

how to make yarn tassel, woman's hands brushing a gray tassel

After trimming the ends, use a pet hair brush (or any brush you have on hand) to fluff up the fibers. Depending on the yarn you use, the results will be different. If preferred, do one last trim for a cleaner look.

Tip: We’re using rover yarn: a thick, bulky yarn that is not twisted or plied.

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