The most sustainable interior doors materials: which one to choose?

Interior Doors - Choosing The Right Type, Style & Material

It’s a matter of fact that the entire manufacturing sector is going through a deep and radical renewal process. Especially all those industries that, in various ways, deal with the architecture and interior design sector. In fact, this is one of the industrial areas that are experiencing the profoundest changes, both in terms of workflow and procurement of materials. The main factor of these changes is the rapidly increasing demand of sustainability.

The interior doors production system, for example, is a clear epitome of what is happening in the whole interior design industry. Those who are looking for the most modern models of doors are bound to face a clear and neat difference compared to the past. The recovery of ancient materials, partially neglected during the past years, is now paired with new manufacturing techniques, able to make them the most effective and, at the same time, sustainable commodities available on the market. For a long time, we lived in the belief that the use of non-perishable and non-recyclable materials in the construction industry was the price that we had to pay in order to have more comfortable, warmer and safer houses. A theory that has been disproved by the most advanced construction techniques which, on the contrary, stalked everything on the harmonization with the environment and the use of non-polluting materials.

But which are these materials, and what are their specificities? How to choose one of them over another? Let’s examine again the interior doors’ “case study”. Some companies, like the Italian ones (for example Cocif: find more on, have been able to define exactly what using a material or another one would mean. What follows is a brief summary of their methods and their industrial policy, which could be taken as a guide by every company operating in the same business.

1. Wood. One of the most ancient materials used by men to build their homes is currently living kind of a second youth. With an additional element: a new environmental awareness. Now, it’s commonly known that wood, when properly processed, ensures the best thermal insulation and a perfect transpiration at the same time. But in this day and age we also know that every felled tree must be replaced in order to ensure a constant renewal of stocks. Many companies that work with wood – like the above mentioned Cocif – operate in this direction, so that they could maintain a balance between the use of wood for industrial purposes and the preservation of our natural environment.

2. Glass. The most neutral and inert material. Glass has the undoubted benefit of being germ-proof and easy to clean. The most recent processing methods have managed to make it almost unbreakable and impact resistant: which means that now glass is a safe material even if used for big surfaces. Moreover, it facilitates the natural light’s passage, enhancing the home lighting and resulting extremely beneficial in terms of electricity saving.

3. Aluminum. The most recent acquisition. It’s a highly versatile material, able to combine aesthetic and resistance. In a few years it has become the most requested material for internal doors (even if sometimes it’s combined with a share of glass), especially when it comes with contemporary style house

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